Welcome to Sophia Sr. Sec. School | CBSE Affiliation No: 1730166 | NOC No: 99/472 Issued date: 25/06/2001
CBSE Affiliation No: 1730166
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Mission Vision

Our Mission

The School was founded by MSA an indigenous congregation and was named ‘Sophia’ – a greek word for ‘WISDOM’ , which gave the vision, mission and the motto- “Seek Ye Wisdom”. It is symbolized by the word ‘Vachan’ on the crest i.e. the Eternal word, source of true and eternal wisdom. As inspired educationists, the sisters of the congregation adopted it as their key purpose and guiding motto to impart true wisdom to the children, through education .

For no knowledge can be thought complete if not blended with wisdom, only then will true enlightenment dawn. Assimilating its legacy the school has been evolving, improving and improvising with time to enjoy an envious position among its counterparts.

Our Vision

Where love and concern for humanity, country, society, community and family is regularly imbibed and inculated through class assemblies. Where leadership qualities of confidence, decision making, responsibility and responsiveness, mutual trust and loyalty are carefully cultivated . Where quality of life is inimitable and uncompromised by the practice of honesty, integrity, perservance, diligence and high moral character.

Where teamwork empowers both staff and students with analytical thinking, planning skills, administrative and organizational abilities to make one an invaluable asset.